Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Citiations of Sources

  • Yeo, Eileen Janes. "Constructing and Contesting Motherhood, 1750-1950." Hecate: 31 (2005): n.pag. Web. 29 October 2014. 
  • Shainess, Natalie. "The Working Wife And Mother--A 'New' Woman?." American Journal Of Psychotherapy 34.3 (1980): 374. Web. 29 Oct. 2014.
  • Malini, Navya. "How to Enjoy Motherhood [ Parenting]." The Times of India. NA. (2014): n. pag. Web. 29 October 2014.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Stress relief

This is very true. I know I work very hard now so I can provide myself with a better future. Sometimes we all face times where we become over whelmed and frustrated with the amount of stress we face day in and day out. Going back to what we talked about today I know when I find myself getting near the breaking point I walk away from whatever I'm doing and go outside to get some fresh air. I remind myself everything I'm grateful for from friends and family to the fact that I had a breakfast that morning. Reminding myself of what I am given and what I have calms me down and reminds me why I'm working so hard in the first place. Hope this helps some of you guys. If anyone else has any other tips please feel free to comment. I want to incorporate a section of this topic into my paper. 



I've been privileged to see Anita Renfroe in person and perform this. She's hilarious and this is a funny view of what moms really go through. I'm thankful for what my mom does and I know she's dealt with a lot of the things Anita mentions in this video.


Here are some of the questions I will be looking to have answered through my research:
  1. What defines a family?
  2. What struggles do women face the most when raising a family?
  3. How to incorporate Christ into the household and into children's views?
  4. What stress relief exercises help others?
  5. What are the similarity and differences of mothers who are educated with degrees compared to those without?
  6. What encourages others when they feel stressed out and are feeling low?
  7. What are the struggles of raising a family and having a career?
  8. What are the benefits of having a Christan home compared to a household without Christ?
  9. What does it mean to be a mother to this world and this society?
  10. What defines being a good wife and having a healthy marriage?

Vocation: The brainstorm

Definitely thought a lot about this and whenever I'm asked about who I want to be or what my goals are my first thought is to be a good mom and wife to my future family. I know this is way way way way way into the future but these ideas are important to me. I know I work hard now so I can get a good career to support my future family. Some of the topics I want to cover in my paper are:
  • Benefits of an education and good career to provide for a family
  • What it means to be a good wife
  • What it means to be a good mother
  • What defines a family
  • Importance of God in a home and the role Christianity plays
  • What it means to be a mother to the world.
This is just a brainstorm of idea so far but this is my idea of who I want to be. 

What Could Be More Interesting Than How The Mind Works - Harvard Gazette

Pinker is a psychologist who studies language behavior and human development in children.  He was interviewed by Harvard. In this interview the questions were focused on the early life of Steven Pinker. Each question was based off the previous answer so if he mentioned how his parents supported him based off his strengths the nest question would be “what were those strengths?” (Harvard). The interviewer was able to uncover small details of his life such as how his parents did support him but weren’t sure that his career choice was the right one. After the interviewer asked about Pinker’s childhood he focused more on how he got to this point in his career. The interviewer tried to uncover facts about Pinker knowing he knew what he was doing. Being a physiologist Pinker can manipulate his answers based off the questions asked. This makes the interviewer’s job of uncovering information harder because if there is something Pinker does not want revealed then Pinker can use his knowledge and avoid these questions. Once the interview was done asking about Pinker’s past, he started to focus on more personal questions of his present life. He focused on technology and what Pinker thought of it. Also to make the interview more involved he mentions his crazy hair and asked about the style choice. The interview does a good job uncovering information for this interview.

Monday, October 20, 2014

The summoned life

In the text Brooks shows the differences between a well-planned life and a summoned life. This text shows how both lives have good and bad qualities to them. A well panned life requires a goal and a well thought out plan to achieve that goal. They accomplish short term goals that lead up to the final achievement rather than working on the full picture. The well planned life invests energy in what is happening at that moment in time “as a result, the things that are most important often get short shrift” (Brooks). In a summoned life people view their life as a purpose rather than a goal. “Life isn’t a project to be completed; it is an unknowable landscape to be explored” (Brooks). Brooks mentions how the summoned life may include concepts of ideas but until those ideas are in effect in that person’s life they cannot fully understand the concept. Brooks uses the lives of others to show how each differs. He uses Christensen as an example of a well-planned life and explains the kind of person he is and why he lives this type of live. He also uses America vs. other places to show how different cultures use the different ways of life. Overall Brooks does a good job representing the ideas of both the summoned life and the well-planned life and how they compare and contrast. In my belief, I feel like these two lives can coexist and they don’t have to be two extremes. Someone should have well thought out plans for their life while trying to uncover a purpose and incorporate proper connection with others.


I know I had a lot of trouble setting up this blog. I'm sure most others did too. Still trying to figure out how to navigate this site, but overall things are going well. Template is up and I'm liking the way my blog looks.


The why that Viheart makes math interesting is one of the most appealing things to me. You may not have to understand what fibonacci numbers or lucas numbers to comprehend what she is saying. This video makes math fun but still educational. It also relates math to the real world which is one of the most popular questions in math class "why are we doing this?" or " how is this important?". I really enjoy her videos.