Jennifer Rutherford is a mother of a one year old little girl named Eva, she works in Lewis's ministry. It was a pleasure to get to know her and interview her. Here are some topics we discussed.
- How would you define family?
- When asked this question Jennifer referred to a picture hanging in her
home that said " Being a part of a family means you will love and be
loved forever no matter what." This bring on a sense that we are like
God's family and that being a part of a family means to have
unconditional love. Jennifer said that " before my daughter I used to
think of ourselves as a couple. Family meant our parents or siblings.
Now, with Eva, my husband and I say 'family' instead of 'couple'."
- As a mother, what are some challenges you faced while raising your child?
- When asked this question Jennifer said "well being that Eva is only one I don't have to do the whole car pool soccer mom routine yet." but she did state that she second guesses what she does and that being that Eva is their first child her husband and her are very over protective of her.
- Does work ever interfere with family time?
- Jennifer explained how she used to work from home and how now, that shes full time at Lewis University she misses out on seeing Eva grow up. "Sometimes I come home and I see her toys all cleaned up. I know I've missed quality time with E (Eva) and wonder what she's done without me." Jennifer said that she has considered the option of being a stay at home mom but she said she felt like working at Lewis was her calling. "I know I'm in the right place." Eva's grandparents get to spend quality time her her as Jennifer and her husband work. She said that she was grateful for them because they could influence Eva and become her teachers and mentors
- What kind of support system do you look to when you are faced with difficult challenges?
- Jennifer said that she relies on her friends that go way back to college even some from high school. These friends are there for help and support when she finds that she needs someone to talk to. Her parents of course, and at times she'll look to her pastor for help.
- Do you believe that having a home filled with God's presence is important?
- "YES" Jennifer has a book of quotes and scripts that she reads to help raise Eva with Christian values,
- How do you incorporate religious affairs into the home?
- Jennifer described how she reads bible verses and prays for her family every night.
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